The Importance of Regular Checkups With Your Family Medicine Provider

Your family medicine provider can treat all the members of your family, and preventive care is an important part of treatment. Preventive care starts with regular checkups. Dr. Alancia Wynn at Wynn Family Medicine in Fairfax, VA, offers a wide range of family medicine services, including routine checkups, to help you and your family stay healthy.

Why You and Your Family Need Regular Checkups with Your Family Medicine Provider

There are several reasons why regular checkups are important for all family members. Consider that regular checkups can:

  • Help identify medical issues early, so they can be treated promptly
  • Provide peace of mind, knowing you are doing the best for your health and the health of your family
  • Give you the tools and education about proper diet, exercise, and other factors important to your health

A regular checkup should happen once each year for each family member. More frequent checkups are recommended if you or a family member is managing a chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, or asthma. During a regular checkup, your family medicine provider will:

  • Perform a comprehensive physical examination
  • Record your height, weight, blood pressure, and other measurements
  • Order laboratory testing to screen for high cholesterol and high blood sugar
  • Order imaging studies if necessary to check for musculoskeletal problems
  • Administer vaccines to protect you against flu, pneumonia, RSV, shingles, and COVID
  • Provide guidance about weight control, quitting smoking, enjoying exercise, and creating a healthy lifestyle

For children, a regular checkup includes other steps such as screening for learning, developmental, and behavioral issues. Additional vaccines are administered to keep your child protected against a wide variety of diseases including hepatitis and meningitis.

Want to Know More about the Importance of Regular Checkups?

To find out more about the importance of regular checkups from your family medicine provider, call Dr. Alancia Wynn at Wynn Family Medicine in Fairfax, VA. You can reach her in the office by calling (703) 560-0300, so call today.

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Wynn Family Medicine PLLC


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-12:30 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



